
  Ingredients 250 gr wild Alaska salmon (broad side of the fillet) Marinade: 80 gr soy sauce 30 gr sesame oil 1 garlic with skin 1 bay leaf 30 gr olive oil 20 gr mirin Black pepper Vinaigrette: 30 gr soy sauce 20 gr sesame oil 1 crushed garlic and a bit of ginger Garnish: 100 gr strawberries Sour cream: Cream, salt and pepper Preparation: Cut the salmon into long strips of about 3 cm and add to the marinade for an hour. Remove from the marinade and dry thoroughly.Sear in a very hot pan without any oil for 5 seconds on all 4 sides and cut the cooking in water and ice for a moment. Mix all the ingredients of the vinaigrette. Cut the strawberries into 1/4, dress them with a little vinaigrette and black pepper. Cut the salmon into pieces, arrange the strawberries and dress the salmon with the vinaigrette on top. Season the cream with salt and pepper and add some grated lemon peel. Whip the cream and store in the fridge. Place the tataki on the plate and add a little sour cream on top.