Whales in Alaska. May 2017
Megaptera novaeangliae
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud admin contributed a whooping 87 entries.
Megaptera novaeangliae
Publicació La Vanguardia. Dia mundial de la salut
The “Route of the Stars” arrived in Barcelona for the first time with four chefs who have been awarded a total of five Michelin stars. The Catalan Jordi Esteve acted as host, and the Portuguese Ricardo Costa and Joachim Koerper participated together with the Dutch Michael Van Der Kroft. The event was held at the […]
Last Thursday, February 28th, Antonio de la Rosa participated in the Iditarod Trail Invitation competition, in which he traveled more than 1,700 kilometers on the snow of Alaska on a fat bike. Wild Alaska Salmon collaborated in this adventure, you can check all the details in the following link: press note.
Transversal 6 - nº 12