Ingredients:  40 gr of Alaska wild salmon pieces Small Monalisa potatoes 1 head of garlic with skin 1 spring onion Garlic mousseline:  1 chopped garlic 150 gr mild olive oil salt pepper 1 teaspoon vinegar 1 egg
Preparation Clean the potatoes and cut them leaving the skin on. Put them in the oven at 200 ºC with some unpeeled garlic, salt, pepper, fresh thyme and rosemary. Leave it until the potatoes are well roasted. Cut the spring onions into slices and place them in a bowl with very cold water and salt. Garlic mousseline Put the garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper and a whole egg in a mixer. Mix and add the oil until you get a fairly strong-taste allioli. Sear the salmon on the side of the skin until it gets very crispy and the salmon is ready. Place on a tray and add a spoonful of allioli on top of each salmon piece. Grill in the oven or a salamander grill.Arrange the potatoes and garlic on the plate together with the glazed salmon and decorate with the previously seasoned spring onion rings.